Welcome from the Director of Liturgy and Music, Ron Vanasdlen, MAM
Members of the liturgical assembly are the preeminent music makers in liturgical celebration.
Choirs, ensembles, song leaders and instrumentalists have significant roles in liturgical celebration, but their principal responsibility is to encourage and enable the full, conscious and active participation of the assembly of believers. In order to serve parish communities well, leaders in music ministry must have multiple musical skills, expertise in liturgy and planning, and the pastoral sensibilities necessary to navigate the rubrics, relationships and realities of parish liturgy. As music ministers we strive to include music that is familiar, energizing and engaging. |
Divine Mercy Parish is a physical manifestation of the Church’s mission to invite people to open their hearts and lives to Christ. Each week music ministers participate in rehearsal and sung prayer in weekly liturgies.
This website is intended to be a virtual door to the music at Divine Mercy Parish. Music Ministers are encouraged to prepare for weekly rehearsals and Masses by using the information on these pages. Miss a rehearsal? No problem. As your time permits you can virtually attend! Review Mass parts, hymns and songs scheduled - as well as special music planned for Preludes, Offertories and Communion Meditations by using the tabs under "Liturgical Music". Although this does not replace actually being at rehearsal with your sisters and brothers in music, it does allow you to be prepared and rehearsed for participation in ministry. We embrace all music from our Catholic tradition. We are committed to upholding liturgical law and guidelines from "Sing to the Lord" and the "General Instruction of the Roman Missal." We pursue a balanced repertoire of choral music, which includes input from all music ministers, our clergy and lay leadership, as well as our parish main choir - the assembly as we engage in music that is inclusive and invigorating!. In our music experience, we uphold the urging of the New Evangelization, to bring our ministry to all people. The principles include: ... a journey of faith, worship and witness, allowing us three opportunities for the transmission of the Christian faith:
Welcome to the music at Divine Mercy Parish and thank you for visiting. We are ready to welcome you and encourage you in the sung prayer of the assembly. Ron Vanasdlen, MAM, Director of Liturgy and Music |
Would you like to learn more about the Sacred Heart Wicks Pipe Organ, Opus 3958, which was installed in 1959? The following link to the Organ Historical Society database contains information and pictures about our organ: http://database.organsociety.org/SingleOrganDetails.php?OrganID=23012.
The following announcement appeared in the September 20, 1959 issue of The Tower: “In the process of being assembled in the choir loft of our church is a new organ. It is the gift of an individual who made a donation to replace the old instrument which had so deteriorated that it was beyond repair.” Sadly, the Wicks Organ Company located in Highland, Illinois, ceased the production of new organs in 2010 due to the present economic situation. The firm produced well over 6,000 pipe organs for churches, colleges and other institutions since the early 1900’s.
The following announcement appeared in the September 20, 1959 issue of The Tower: “In the process of being assembled in the choir loft of our church is a new organ. It is the gift of an individual who made a donation to replace the old instrument which had so deteriorated that it was beyond repair.” Sadly, the Wicks Organ Company located in Highland, Illinois, ceased the production of new organs in 2010 due to the present economic situation. The firm produced well over 6,000 pipe organs for churches, colleges and other institutions since the early 1900’s.