St. Joseph is dedicated to making your online experience as enjoyable as possible. We truly appreciate your presence on our site and at all times understand that you are our guest and should be treated accordingly. To ensure this, we have listed the components of our Privacy Policy below.
Use of Personal Information
Any information you submit through this web site will be held in the strictest confidence. In no way will your personal information ever be used without your consent. To ensure this, all forms on our web site that send information through this database that may be used in the future, e.g. mailing lists, registration, etc., have check boxes where you specify whether or not you would like to receive information from us in the future.
Forms used just to send email, post messages, etc., do not include the option, but will never be used to send information. Be assured that we do not sell our name and address lists. If you choose to receive information from us, each message will also include instructions on how to "unsubscribe" from future mailings should you wish to cancel.
Use of Personal Information
Any information you submit through this web site will be held in the strictest confidence. In no way will your personal information ever be used without your consent. To ensure this, all forms on our web site that send information through this database that may be used in the future, e.g. mailing lists, registration, etc., have check boxes where you specify whether or not you would like to receive information from us in the future.
Forms used just to send email, post messages, etc., do not include the option, but will never be used to send information. Be assured that we do not sell our name and address lists. If you choose to receive information from us, each message will also include instructions on how to "unsubscribe" from future mailings should you wish to cancel.